Source code for xlsx2html.render.html

from typing import List, Dict, Optional, cast, Tuple

import csscompressor

from xlsx2html.constants.border import DEFAULT_BORDER_STYLE, BORDER_STYLES
from xlsx2html.parser.cell import CellInfo, Border, Borders
from xlsx2html.parser.image import ImageInfo
from xlsx2html.parser.parser import Column, ParserResult
from xlsx2html.utils import hash_str
from xlsx2html.utils.render import render_attrs, render_inline_styles
from import compress_style, StyleType, BorderType

[docs]class HtmlRenderer: def __init__( self, display_grid: bool = False, default_border_style: Optional[BorderType] = None, table_attrs: Optional[StyleType] = None, inline_styles: bool = False, ): self.default_border_style = default_border_style or {} self.display_grid = display_grid self.table_attrs = table_attrs or {} self.inline_styles = inline_styles
[docs] def render(self, result: ParserResult) -> str: html = """ <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Title</title> </head> <body> %s </body> </html> """ self.build_style_cache(result.rows) h = [self.render_table(result)] if not self.inline_styles: css_tag = f'<style type="text/css">{self.render_css() or ""}</style>' h.append(css_tag) return html % "\n".join(h)
[docs] def render_table(self, result: ParserResult, attrs: Optional[StyleType] = None) -> str: t_attrs: StyleType = dict(border="0", cellspacing="0", cellpadding="0") t_attrs.update(self.table_attrs) t_attrs.update(attrs or {}) h = [ "<table " 'style="border-collapse: collapse" ' f"{render_attrs(t_attrs)}" ">", self.render_columns(result.cols), ] if self.display_grid: h.append(self.render_header(result.cols)) for row in result.rows: trow = ["<tr>"] for i, cell in enumerate(row): if i == 0 and self.display_grid: trow.append(self.render_lineno(cell.row)) images = result.images.get((cell.column, cell.row)) or [] trow.append(self.render_cell(cell, images)) trow.append("</tr>") h.append("\n".join(trow)) h.append("</table>") return "\n".join(h)
[docs] def render_header(self, cols: List[Column]) -> str: h = ["<thead><tr><td></td>"] for col in cols: h.append(f"<th>{col.letter}</th>") h.append("</tr></thead>") return "\n".join(h)
[docs] def render_lineno(self, lineno: int) -> str: return f"<th>{lineno}</th>"
[docs] def render_columns(self, cols: List[Column]) -> str: h = ["<colgroup>"] for c in cols: h.append(self.render_column(c)) h.append("</colgroup>") return "\n".join(h)
[docs] def render_column(self, col: Column) -> str: return f'<col style="width: {col.width}px"/>'
[docs] def render_cell( self, cell: CellInfo, images: List[ImageInfo], attrs: Optional[StyleType] = None ) -> str: formatted_images = "\n".join([self.render_image(img) for img in images]) c_attrs = {"id":, "colspan": cell.colspan, "rowspan": cell.rowspan} class_name = self._cell_style_map[cell.coordinate] if not self.inline_styles: c_attrs["class"] = class_name # Diagonal border # TODO implement # extra_classes = self.get_diagonal_border_style(cell.border) # if extra_classes: # for k, v in extra_classes.items(): # class_name, style_str = self._hash_style(v) # self._style_hash_map[class_name + k] = style_str # c_attrs["class"] += " " + class_name else: c_attrs["style"] = self._style_hash_map[class_name] c_attrs.update(attrs or {}) return ("<td {attrs_str}>" "{formatted_images}" "{formatted_value}" "</td>").format( attrs_str=render_attrs(c_attrs), formatted_images=formatted_images, formatted_value=cell.formatted_value, )
[docs] def get_border_style_from_cell(self, cell: CellInfo) -> StyleType: style: StyleType = {} if not cell.border: return style def _get_border_style(b: Border, prefix: str = "border") -> StyleType: border_style: StyleType = cast(StyleType, BORDER_STYLES.get( or {}) _style: StyleType = {} if not border_style and border_style = cast(StyleType, DEFAULT_BORDER_STYLE) elif not if isinstance(self.default_border_style, str): # Maybe shortland return {prefix: self.default_border_style} border_style = self.default_border_style for k, v in border_style.items(): _style[f"{prefix}-{k}"] = v if b.color: _style[f"{prefix}-color"] = b.color return _style if isinstance(cell.border, Border): style.update(_get_border_style(cell.border)) else: for b_dir in ["right", "left", "top", "bottom"]: b_s = getattr(cell.border, b_dir) if not b_s: continue style.update(_get_border_style(b_s, f"border-{b_dir}")) return style
[docs] def get_diagonal_border_style(self, border: Borders) -> Dict: class_styles = {} base_style = { "content": "' '", "width": "100%", "height": "100%", "display": "block", "position": "absolute", "background-color": "red", "top": "0", "left": "0", } if border.diagonal_up: class_styles["::after"] = { **base_style, "content": "'up'", "transform": "rotate(-45deg)", } if border.diagonal_down: class_styles["::before"] = { **base_style, "content": "'down'", "border-color": "white transparent", } return class_styles
[docs] def get_styles_from_cell( self, cell: CellInfo, extra_style: Optional[StyleType] = None ) -> StyleType: h_styles: StyleType = {"height": f"{cell.height}pt"} h_styles.update(self.get_border_style_from_cell(cell)) h_styles.update(extra_style or {}) h_styles["text-align"] = cell.alignment.horizontal h_styles["vertical-align"] = cell.alignment.vertical if cell.alignment.indent: h_styles["text-indent"] = f"{cell.alignment.indent * 10}pt" if cell.alignment.text_rotation: h_styles["transform"] = f"rotate({cell.alignment.text_rotation}deg)" if cell.fill and cell.fill.pattern == "solid": # TODO patternType != 'solid' h_styles["background-color"] = cell.fill.color if cell.font: text_decoration: List[str] = [] h_styles["font-size"] = "%spx" % cell.font.size if cell.font.color: h_styles["color"] = cell.font.color if cell.font.bold: h_styles["font-weight"] = "bold" if cell.font.italic: h_styles["font-style"] = "italic" if cell.font.underline: text_decoration.append("underline") if cell.font.strike: text_decoration.append("line-through") if cell.font.overline: text_decoration.append("overline") if cell.font.outline: f_color = cell.font.color or "#000" h_styles["color"] = "white" h_styles["text-shadow"] = ( f"-1px -1px 0 {f_color}," f"1px -1px 0 {f_color}," f"-1px 1px 0 {f_color}," f"1px 1px 0 {f_color}" ) if cell.font.shadow: t_shadow = h_styles.get("text-shadow") or "" if t_shadow: t_shadow += ", " o = "1px" if cell.font.outline: o = "2px" t_shadow += f"{o} {o} 0 #333" h_styles["text-shadow"] = t_shadow h_styles["text-decoration"] = " ".join(text_decoration) return h_styles
[docs] def render_image(self, image: ImageInfo) -> str: styles = render_inline_styles( { "margin-left": f"{image.offset.x}px", "margin-top": f"{image.offset.y}px", "position": "absolute", } ) return ( f'<img width="{image.width}" height="{image.height}"' f'style="{styles}"' f'src="{image.src}"' "/>" )
def _hash_style(self, style: StyleType, prefix: str = "td-") -> Tuple[str, str]: style_str = render_inline_styles(style) class_name = prefix + hash_str(style_str) return class_name, style_str
[docs] def build_style_cache(self, rows: List[List[CellInfo]]) -> None: cell_style_map: Dict[str, str] = {} style_hash_map: Dict[str, str] = {} for row in rows: for cell in row: style = self.get_styles_from_cell(cell) style = compress_style(style) class_name, style_str = self._hash_style(style) style_hash_map[class_name] = style_str cell_style_map[cell.coordinate] = class_name self._cell_style_map = cell_style_map self._style_hash_map = style_hash_map
[docs] def render_css(self) -> str: if self.inline_styles: return "" css = [] for c_name, style in self._style_hash_map.items(): css.append(f"td.{c_name} {{ {style} }}") css_str = "\n".join(css) # TODO add compress css css_str = csscompressor.compress(css=css_str) return css_str